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baptism of ChristThrough this sacrament the recipient becomes a member of the community of faith, the Church. It is the first of three sacraments of initiation. The other two being Confirmation and Eucharist. Baptisms are customarily celebrated one Sunday a month at the 10:30 am Mass, except during the season of Advent and the season of Lent (Ash Wednesday-Easter Sunday). Please contact the parish office to arrange for a visit or phone call from Baptismal preparation team who will assist in preparing you and the godparents for the sacrament and will also answer any questions you may have. This contact and preparation is best done before the birth of the child, at least two months in advance of the desired month for the celebration to allow sufficient time for preparation of the parents and godparents and liturgical preparation by the parish community. Please verify availability of the date of the sacrament before reserving a venue for the reception.

Non Baptized adults who would like to begin an inquiry into Catholicism are invited to enroll in an exploration process by contacting our Faith Formation Office.


reconciliation tThis Sacrament is the sacramental celebration of God's forgiveness. Reconciliation means to bring together again. Through the grace of this sacrament the penitent is reconciled with God and the Community. Those wishing to receive this sacrament for the first time should contact the Faith Formation Office to enroll in the parish preparation process. All others are invited to receive the sacrament on Saturdays- 4:30-5PM in the church, at scheduled parish communal celebrations, or by appointment thru the parish office.


eucharistEach day our parish celebrates the presence of Christ among us in the Sacrament of Eucharist. Sunday Liturgy of the Eucharist is the fullest expression of the communal prayer of the church. The word liturgy means 'work of the people'.

Together, through our active participation in the liturgy we are nourished and transformed by the Word of God and the Eucharist we are sent out into the world to be nourishment, to serve the body of Christ, to become more fully the body of Christ. Those wishing to receive this sacrament for the first time should contact the Faith Formation Office to enroll in the parish preparation process.


confirmation tThrough the gifts of the Spirit, Confirmation completes the grace of baptism. It empowers the recipient to responsibly and actively participate in the life of the church and outreach to the world. Those wishing to receive this sacrament should contact the Faith Formation Office to enroll in the parish preparation process.


rcia tRite of Christian Initiation of Adults - Non baptized adults or adults baptized into other Christian denominations who would like to pursue an inquiry into Catholicism are invited to enroll in this informal and personal faith exploration process by contacting our staff in the Faith Formation Office.

Anointing of the Sick

annointingsick tThis sacrament is celebrated communally once a year during the month of October. This celebration includes Mass, Anointing of the Sick followed by a luncheon reception in the Parish Center. Please contact the parish office at least two weeks in advance to advise us of your desire to attend and for any additional information. Those parishioners who are not physically able to join us for this communal celebration may receive the sacrament at home or in the hospital by contacting the parish office to request a pastoral visit.


matrimonyThrough the grace of this sacrament a man and woman are strengthened and sustained to live faithfully their loving lifetime commitment to each other. The common policy of the bishops of NJ requires preparation one year in advance of the desired celebration of the sacrament. This is done to allow sufficient time for the couple to: participate in either Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter processes, meet with the priest for required preparation sessions, the planning of their liturgy, and to obtain and complete the required documentation and forms. Please make initial arrangements for the date and time you desire, by calling the parish office one year in advance and prior to reserving a reception venue. This sacrament is customarily celebrated on Friday evening, Saturday afternoon before 3:30 PM, and Sunday afternoon before 4 PM.

Holy Orders

holyorders tThe history of this sacraments reflects that historically there has been three levels or degrees of Orders from the early days of the church: bishop, priests and deacons. All three ministries create a complete leadership of governance, teaching, worship and service. Through the gifts of the Spirit, members of the community are called to this sacrament.

In ordaining a priest, the bishop extends a portion of the bishop's apostolic authority by making the priest a co-worker with the bishop of the diocese.

The ministry of deacon is different from that priest. In 1967 the Second Vatican Council restored the order of the diaconate as a permanent order in the church. Deacons are ordained for works of service, charity and compassion within the community and liturgical ministry as assigned by the bishop. They may or may not be assigned to a parish.